Company Profile

Company Profile

Corporate nameMatsuyama Shoten Co., Ltd
EstablishmentMarch 1957
Capital30 million yen
Annual Sales33.07 million yen(2014)
Number of employees30
Business ActivitiesProcessing ferrous and non ferrous material
Collection, transport, and processing of industrial waste
Automobile recycling
Motorcycle recycling
Trading itemsSteel scrap
Non ferrous scrap
(aluminium,Cupper,Stainless,Crome,Lead,Zinc etc...)
Automotive products
CustomersMM & KENZAI Corporation
OKAYA & Co., Ltd
Mitsui Bussan Metals
Daido Kogyo CO., LTD
Sangyo Shinko Co., Ltd
Marubeni Tetsugen Co., Ltd
Nippon Steel & Sumikin Bussan Corporation
HANWA Co., Ltd

Our History

1952.03Establishment of Matsuyama Shoten
in 1-10-6, Hama, Minato-ku Nagoya
1958.06Head Office was transferred to Koyo City,
Minato-ku ,Nagoya
1964.03Oil hydraulic press machine installed
1968.04Launching of main plant in 2-135,
Juichiya, Minato-ku ,Nagoya.
Head office was transferred to main pant.
1971.02Launching of Second plant in 2-188,
Juichiya, Minato-ku ,Nagoya
1975.04Additional facilities installed in main plant
1979.08Launching of Third plant in 2-222,
Juichiya, Minato-ku ,Nagoya, and
1,000 ton guillotine shear installed.
1980.04Replacing press machine to full automatic
and large size Oil hydraulic press machine
1986.12Organization structure changed, establish
as Matsuyama Shoten Co., Ltd
1987.04Launching of non ferrous plant(today's Fifth plant)
in 2-7 Juichiya, Minato-ku Nagoya
1988.051,600 ton guillotine shear installed in Main plant.
1991.06Launching of Fourth plant in 2-209,
Juichiya, Minato-ku Nagoya
1996.06Opend 70s berth shipping yard in 37,
Soramicho, Minato-ku Nagoya
1998.03Full automatic and large size Oil hydraulic
press machine installed in main plant
1999.12Shredder machine manufactured by MTB
installed in Second plant
2001.04Starting Home Electric Appliance
Recycling Business in Main Plant
2001.11Opend 25th berth shipping yard in 67,
Shionagicho, Minato-ku Nagoya
2002.11Starting automobile salvage business in Fifth plant
2004.03ISO 14001 accreditation obtained for all plants
2005.01Accredited by Nagoya city for Ecological Corporation
Export license to China obtained
2011.05High-accuracy crystal radiation detector installed in Main plant
2015.01High-accuracy crystal radiation detector
installed in 25th berth shipping yard
English Company Profile

営業区域 引取エリア

  • 愛知県
    名古屋市、熱田区、北区、昭和区、千種区、天白区、中川区、中区、中村区 、西区、東区、瑞穂区、緑区、港区、南区、名東区、守山区、愛西市、あま市、安城市、阿久比町、一宮市、稲沢市、犬山市 、岩倉市、大口町、大治町、大府市、岡崎市、尾張旭市、春日井市、蟹江町、刈谷市、北名古屋市、清須市、幸田町、江南市、小牧市、瀬戸市、高浜市、武豊町、知多市、知立市、津島市、東海市、常滑市、飛島村、豊明市、豊川市、豊田市、豊山町、長久手市、西尾市、日進市、半田市、東浦町、扶桑町、碧南市、みよし市、弥富市 … 他
  • 三重県
    桑名市、四日市市、木曽岬町、川越町、朝日町 … 他
  • 岐阜県

